My extended family has been going to Jekyll Island since I was born - my dad and his many first cousins took their significant others, spouses, and then children to Jekyll every summer for a week. Now the next generation (mine) has a bunch of kids, some of whom know Jekyll well. But unfortunately, the quality of the beach has gone way down, with safety issues as well thanks to a riptide. So, we're decamping to another island on South Carolina.
But with that choice (which I understand) comes a goodbye to a house I know very well. I can't say for sure how many times we stayed in Garland, but it's one of the most familiar places to me - from the awesome big chairs to the little room with twin beds off of the kitchen that I and my brother enjoyed. It was a very plain house when we first started, but added on a laundry room, a sunroom, and various other features that distracted from its charm and welcome. I haven't been back in a few years due to work and other conflicts, but my sadness is a testament to the importance of place. Goodbye Garland.