Best of the Record - 9 December 2009

Students mobilize in Hardy for LGBTQ support - By Laura Corona
In a flood of all-campus e-mails and WSO posts, members of the campus community have learned over the last week of the vandalism and homophobic bias incident that took place in Mission over Thanksgiving break. Since the incident, members of the student body have occupied Hardy House in an act designed to draw attention and pressure the administration to give greater recognition to issues surrounding homophobia and institutional support on campus.
The silent majority - By David Michael '13
Almost the entire campus disapproves of the vandalism and graffiti perpetrated in Dennett nearly two weeks ago, even if only at the level that writing on a wall with sharpies is just destructive behavior. Some, more than others, are upset at the homophobic slur written on the entry’s wall.
Although the hurt is very understandable, a response that adds to the factionalization of our already fractious Williams community is counterproductive. The impulsive reaction would be to immediately try to blame a perceived “other” – members of the majority – and assume antagonism on behalf of this large portion of the student body. If this is done, then there arises a false aggressor-victim paradigm that leaves allies in the woodwork uncomfortable with speaking out.
Restoring our academic integrity - By Lawrence Levien '68
Four years at Williams produces a lifetime of learning. Forty years past graduation, I can affirm that seemingly inane platitude with real life experience. We cannot allow one man’s folly to tarnish that truth, and by acting quickly and decisively we will not. Far more injurious than the fraud itself is the inevitable human tendency to ignore it or, worse still, cover it up. We have Richard Nixon, even before Martha Stewart, to prove that point. And closer to our intellectual home, the current furor over the subversion of legitimate science in the climate dialogue illustrates that academics and their institutions are no more virtuous and self-regulated than the rest of us. Williams need be better.
One in 2000 - By Adam Century
I saw you in the parade today – how’s life in the marching band?

Will Harron: Ah, the Mucho Macho Moocow Military Marching Band. When I told the director that I was doing this, he told me that every time I say, “Mucho Macho Moocow Military Marching band” he’d buy me a slice of pizza. I’m shooting for a whole pie. Mucho Macho Moocow Military Marching Band. Three slices. Hold on, what was the original question?

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